Lignex Defend
Therapy and prevention – Lignex Defend is an anti-woodworm product developed specially to cure wood infested with house longhorn beetles (Hylotrupes Bajulus). Its special formula not only cures but also prevents insect attack. It is suitable for any kind of wood, from structural elements to furniture and objets d’art.
- Treats wood attacked by the beetle Hylotrupes bajulus and equally effective as a preventative treatment against other wood-boring insects
- Penetrates wood deep down
- Free from aromatic compounds
- Awarded the RAL mark of guarantee
- Registered with the Italian Ministry of Health (PMC no. 18556) which had certified its efficacy
- Certified by the German body Arbeitsgemeinschaft Holzschutzmittel
For the curative and/or preventative treatment of all wooden parts attacked by insects, for example roofing structures, furniture, flooring, decorative objects, etc.
Active ingredient**
Against attack from wood-boring insects
** A wood protective treatment to be handled with care. Before use read the product information on the labelling.
Drying time
After about 1 – 2 days depending on the type of wood
Depends on the type of job, see the technical specification
- RAL quality certificate
- Registered with the Italian Ministry of Health P.M.C. 18556
- ARGE-HSM certified
0.750l – 2.5l – 5l – 25l and 200*l – 1.000*l
* Only on request.